Reality of Marriage

Jasmine is such a little flower, but it provides the most lovely fragrance even at a distance.

Like jasmine’s demure size, it’s the little things in a marriage that keep it going.

The look of appreciation after a hard day’s work, telling your spouse how good they look, or even sending them a sweet email or text.

Like jasmine, it may seem small, but the beauty of the act travels far.

The contrasting thing that can poison a marriage is little bits of nagging. Saying “you never do things like so and so’s husband does.”

Let me tell you, sometimes you see people on Facebook talking about getting served breakfast in bed but what you may not know is how that spouse may have been kicked out that very same bed the night before!

You never know a couple’s whole married life, so stop comparing and enjoy what you have. Make sure to stop and smell the flowers on a stroll with your spouse today.